Danzol Garux Syn


Oils for moving parts operating at very high temperatures (280°C).


  • Roller conveyor, chains rollers, and cams operating in furnaces and ovens.
  • Chains and bars in continuous wood panel production machines.
  • Garux Syn is a synthetic oil range product specially designed for moving parts operating at very high temperatures.

Typical properties :

Density at 20 °CASTM D-4052kg/dm30.9680.9680.966
Viscosity at 40°CASTM D-445mm²/s68245323
Viscosity at 100°CASTM D-445mm²/s8.51922
Viscosity indexASTM D-2270878685
Copper corrosionISO 21601a1a1a
Open Cup Flash PointASTM D-97°C283292290

Advantages :

  • Garux Syn reduces the formation of deposits, gums, and particularly to hard varnish and laques.
  • Provide life time improvement and reduction of lubrication frequency.
  • Provide an excellent corrosion protection and antiwear performances at very high temperatures.
  • Garux Syn lubrication of mechanisms at temperatures up to 280°C.